Wednesday 16 September 2015

Lynn Week 2 Feedback

Today, I presented to Lynn, my lecturer about what I have been working on. During the tutorial, we were instructed to create a mind map to write down questions we had for the honours project. Most of my questions were centered around character design, transmedia narrative and sequential art. From this, I discovered that I misunderstood the meaning of trans-media narrative. I assumed that adaptation was affiliated with the term "transmedia" as it can sometimes mean taking something from one media format. What I really want out of this honours project is to create a portfolio that displays my strengths and gives me the opportunity to improve my areas of weakness.

These are tasks I plan to do for next week is:
  •  Learn more about sequential art, it's meaning and look at what areas it covers.
  • Produce or plan a rough adaptation of a segment from a Star Wars screen play.
  • Explore different artists and analyse their art style.
Lynn was quite happy with me going in the direction of adaptations because she even said that each adaption will be different and she mentioned Alice in Wonderland based on its diverse audience range. There have many different variations of the same story and yet there is still space for more creative opportunities.
Some of the questions Lynn suggested that I explore were ; 
  • How can I adapt a novel into a comic book that can be verbal or non verbal?
  • What is the creative process for a comic and see how it has changed?
  • How can I take HP Lovecraft's detailed work and translate into a simplified visual medium?
  • What is the interpretation / adaption process and what should I take into account?
  • Also how can I make it appeal to a modern audience?
I also wondered how true should the adaption be, to the original source. The Lovecraft Anthology, Vol. 1 (2011)  is a series of stories written by HP Lovecraft reinterpreted into comics. They are not written but "adapted" by writers, along with artists who provide illustration and give their own illustrative twist on the Lovecraft stories while keeping true to the main plot of each storyI also like the concept of producing silent comics and I would like to see how close I can get to producing one. I asked Lynn if I could still include the research on character design as I still show great interest in this piece. I could include this in an adaption project as it does come into account of the adaptation development process. One suggestion Lynn made was to include it into my research question. Another idea she considered was "How does character design influence non verbal narrative in sequential art?"


Lovecraft, H., Lockwood, D., Edginton, I., Davis, R., Hine, D., Moore, L., Reppion, J., D'Israeli., Oakley, S., Culbard, I., Stafford, M., Gallagher, L., Hartman, D. and Duke, A. (2011). The Lovecraft anthology. London: SelfMadeHero.

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