Thursday 28 January 2016

Supervisor Meeting Week 3

This week, I presented Brian with some sketches I made of father Dagon attacking people in the ocean ,attacking ships and submarines. These were ideas I had for comic pages were the protagonist visualised the future of what may happen. I had the idea of including a splash page to illustrate the words ;

"of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst universal pandemonium." (Lovecraft,1919)

I showed him my rough pages and he gave me some further advice on the first page's environment shot. The buildings lacked the use of curves and were too clean. Although I made an improvement, they were needing some further iteration. He was kind enough to give me a loan of a book called "Tin Tin's Adventure At Sea which was a documentation of how Hurge got his inspiration for the characters and ships.

I talked about how I could portray  the passage of time in the comic. In the story, he wait for three days for the land to become enough to walk on. However, it was difficult to portray that in the two panels that I currently had. To overcome this, I may have to duplicate the scenery and make some alterations by showing a day and night montage.

The panel where the protagonist meets the ethnologist was another obstacle to cover. Brian said it was under his nose but it just wasn't spot on. Some things that Finn and Brian suggested was perhaps to portray the panel with the moment were the protagonist leaves the ethnologists office with little to no success. I suggested using some gestures and body language to show that the ethologist shows full superiority over the protagonist whose body language will be weaker and more feeble.

The last page was so rough that it gave Brian some difficulty trying to understand it properly . It was meant to show the panel of a shot of the protagonist whose back was facing the door where a hooded figure stands at the doorway. the second panel was meant to be the perspective of the monster but Brian had some difficulty understanding this. He told me that its was an example of breaking the 180 degree rule when it came to using camera angles in a scene. Many shots should not surpass 180. Unfortunately this first iteration did. To fix this, I can choose a different angle for the protagonist to appear in, one that is with 180 degrees. In addition, I also showed him artwork I was working on for a convention next month.

My next stages are:
  • To look at that book Brian has given me. 
  • Continue developing my comic based off the feedback.
  • implement the sketchbook drawings into the comic pages
  • Plan the splash page illustration is case It is needed.

Lovecraft, H.P. 1919. Dagon. The Vagrant. (11): pp.23–29.

Horeau, Y. and Farr, M. 2004. The adventures of Tintin at sea. London: John Murray.

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