Tuesday 10 November 2015

Weekend Development

During this weekend, I managed to have enough time to work on a few development documents for my story. I focused on designing my Dagon character.  My main inspiration for the monster was from the depiction of Dagon, the fish God which in turn inspired HP Lovecraft's Dagon. I also decided to take some inspiration from the portrayal of sea serpents from the 18th century to connect with the idea of the unknown and to use my design to help bridge a possible explanation for the sea serpent myth. 

 Head iterations for Father Dagon.

 The last two head iterations look more Lovecraftian as they feel familiar but are absolutely abnormal. The reason I chose for the mouth to appear on the head is that it is to suggests that although it is a living creature its appearance into that of this earth.

I liked the pose of the creature in this picture. I took some inspiration from the Naga in World of Warcraft. 

Nagas (Blizzard 2007)

I bulked up the upper torso of the creature and references some body tips from a creative masterclass magazine on anatomy.

In addition, I made a few environments silhouettes for the black mire environment in the  story.  The black and white style worked really well to illustrate the lifelessness of the scene.

These environment concepts were created using Alchemy.


Lemen, R. 2011. Part Five Drawing the Torso. Anatomy Essentials, pp.50-54.

Blizzard, 2007. Nagas. [image] Available at: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/2/2c/Nagas.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070826213305 [Accessed 9 Nov. 2015].

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