Friday 19 February 2016

Week 6 - Progress

Brian was unwell this week but I managed to make some progress with my dissertation ,starting with my vision statement and introduction. I also took the opportunity to show one of my peers, my work. He gave me some good feedback about what I should do to improve. In addition, I worked on developing the visual style for the segment of the comic which occurred in the past, present and future. I also started considering the idea of a stylish border to help reinforce the idea that these images were seen as segments of memories swirling in the main character's mind. To help suggest this, I have chosen to use a brush which gives the borders a disorderly, torn and vague effect.

This one is still needing some work on it but I do like the effect it gives.

Comic pages with modified borders

Here the monster and the monolith are the only element in the flashback segment of the comic which have colour. The reason for this is to make them appear like they work outside the established rules of the visual style. It could also suggest that the main character clearly remembers this creature so well , he recalls the creature's exact colour scheme. The blue glow is a visual sign to indicate that the monolith shares the same space in the environment.

In terms of case studies, I am not happy with my progress or my structure. I feel like I am just describing what I see page after page and I am having trouble trying to summarise it's content, I think it would be best if I could speak with Brian about this and see what he thinks my direction should be.

I have become concerned how I should answer this bullet point from the proposal.
  • Analyse the translation of narrative forms from a text based medium into a visual medium. 
could answer this through a case study of one of the interpretations of Lovecraft's work and compare it to the production process of a comicIn addition, I have applied for a job that was advertised in Glasgow for an art position. However I have not heard back from them. It was a games artist position at Team Rock. It has made me realise that I have not paid that much attention to internship opportunities that have occurred at the beginning of this course. Therefore I'm a bit worried that I may have missed all the opportunities for the summer placement. Fortunately I have updated my CV and portfolio.

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