Tuesday 20 October 2015

Honours Project Blog Aim

The Honours Year Blog should contain evidence of the following:
– Identification of skill gaps and subsequent development of technical skills
– Examples of and critical reflection on creative and artistic practice
– Understanding of and critical engagement with relevant theories
– Personal reflection on your honours experience

You should be sure to present your blog professionally, use appropriate language, provide links and references where necessary, and make use of tags to help with blog navigation.

 Identification of skill gaps and subsequent development of technical skills 

Here I will look at where I am with my chosen area of field and I should be able to demonstrate my gradual development of skills such as using software packages.

– Examples of and critical reflection on creative and artistic practice 

Provide examples of media tests that are analysed and reflect on where my current skills ares in regards to creative practice.

– Understanding of and critical engagement with relevant theories

Here I will need to write down some areas that I have read from books and show that I am observing these theories. In others words I will write about what I know about comics from books I have written then look at examples of where the theories has done well and where it was done poorly.

Analyzing examples I have read.

– Personal reflection on your honours experience

Here I will talk bout my strengths weaknesses at certain points during the project,

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