Friday 16 October 2015

Star Wars Rough Thumbnail Diagram Media Test

While I show great interest in Star Wars especially the sci-fi genre, I thought it would be ideal for me to take this opportunity to allow me to carry out some practice for my honours project.

I made series of thumbnails reenacting one of the pivotal scene in the Star Wars films, The destruction of Alderaan.

Star Wars Destruction of Alderaan Storyboard

At the time, I was trying to see if I could try and visualize a particular scene from the movie. What I did was listened to the audio from the scene without visuals and tried to draw quickly how each part of the scene would have been performed. Eventually I revisited the scene for visual reference on the costumes and scene composition. At times I feel that I have succeeded in capturing the performances of characters from the character Tarkin being threatening and menacing to Leia feeling oppressed and intimidated state. However the original scene itself lacked a form of emotion from certain characters. I focused on Leia's face as she witnessed the destruction of her home planet. I wanted to try and capture her emotion during this moment. I kept the visuals very simple to allow me to get an idea of where certain visuals clues would go.While I wish for my project to go for a minimal verbal approach. Star Wars is a major franchise that crosses multiple cultures and to me feels universal. This was just a form of practice to display my skills to tell an existing source materials while using old and new elements.

Rendered Still

I'm also made this drawing from one of the panels I made for this story board.

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